Your computers carry a lot of sensitive and important data, so keeping that data safe is a major priority! One security tip for computer
users is to constantly change your passwords to something new, but it may not always be clear why you need to do so. Changing your password avoids several dangers, here are a few tips and ticks as to why you need to update your password regularly!
Limit Multiple Account Breaches
It can be tempting to use the same password on every account you have, whether for computers and network equipment or online accounts, as it’s much easier to remember just one. However, it also means that if someone figures out your password, they can gain access to every account you have. Changing your passwords to something different and unique to each account will make it so that even if someone does guess one password, they cannot use it for anything else.
Limit Guesswork
If you use the same password for long stretches of time, you increase the risk of someone guessing your password. Whether it’s from someone watching you type in your password several times or someone repeatedly trying to guess it, the longer you have the same password, the longer people will try to find out what it is. Don’t let people watch you log in to your accounts, and avoid using short, easy-to-guess words or phrases.
Choosing a Good Password
When coming up with a new password, you want something that can be safe from guesswork and hacking attempts. You may be tempted to use a long password, but quality is much more important than quantity. Hacking programs can guess passwords by combining random words and phrases together, as well as any information relevant to you. To combat this, avoid using any personal information such as dates, addresses or names. Also avoid using simple words and phrases, use random combinations of numbers, letters and symbols that can still be easy to remember. For example, instead of “password” which should never be used under any circumstance, you could use “p4$$w0rD.” It is still the same word, and still short, but far harder to guess either by human or program.