Eager to see an increase in your business’s profits? Want to see your employee’s productivity increase? First you need to ask yourself this question:
Are you under-spending on I.T. services?
For most businesses, the answer is “probably”. Organizations tend to overlook the importance of technology expenses – when budget cuts need to be made, I.T. costs are one of the first to go. But the facts are, companies who properly invest in I.T. tend to perform better than their competitors.
I.T. budgets account for more than just repairs.
Many organizations fail to realize “budgeting for I.T.” means more than just paying a technician to fix what is broken. A proper I.T. budget will look proactively at your business’ needs and potential for growth. By accounting for a wide range of factors, a comprehensive I.T. budget can help to streamline operations, reduce costs, improve efficiency, maximize profit, minimize waste, and devote talent to primary business needs instead of overhead.
I.T. budgets include an assessment of your business & goals.
First, it’s important to do an assessment of your company’s current I.T. (including company hardware, software, and security), your needs, and your business goals. The next step is to strategize a 1 to 5-year budget plan that includes details like backups, hardware replacements, software license costs, and (if desired) monthly/yearly costs of your internet, phone services or website services.
Replacing hardware and software is a crucial component in your I.T. budget. An average lifespan for a device is 3-5 years, but this can differ depending upon the model that had been originally purchased, as well as the specifications. Typically, after the 5 year mark the potential for a hardware failure becomes exponential. By doing preventative maintenance, you can prolong the life of your devices.
Your I.T. budget will track the health and age of your devices and provide strategies of when to replace. New hardware requires less maintenance and results in less downtime, allowing your employees to focus on primary business operations.

Every business’s I.T. budget is different.
Different companies will require different levels of hardware and software. A doctor’s clinic will likely require higher-level computers and a more complicated network than a local grocery store. Despite their differences, every business needs an I.T. budget. All organizations have requirements to meet (such as HIPAA and SEC compliance) and customer data to protect; regardless of your business’s type or size, you should probably be spending more on your I.T. infrastructure.
Cutting your I.T. budget will limit your business’s ability to grow.
Businesses who cut their I.T. budget limit their organization’s ability to grow and compete in this digital age. Those who do not plan for proactive I.T. maintenance will experience more downtime, costing your business precious time and profitability. Every minute you lose due to technology issues is a missed opportunity to advance your business. By creating an I.T. budget, you can plan specific times to replace equipment, allowing for downtime to be scheduled when its most convenient for you.
It is not just a business expense.
By spending money on technology, you are investing in the future of your company. Your focus should be less about how much you spend on your I.T. budget, and more about how your budget is spent. Your downtime will be minimal, employee productivity will increase, and trust will be built with your customers. Plus, you can rest easy knowing your I.T. is properly taken care of (government compliant and all!).
Give us a call today to discuss how an I.T. Assessment and Budget Plan will benefit your business. Learn more on our website: http://kitsapnetworking.com/professional-services/