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Benefits of Managed Services: Asset Management & Health Tracking

The backbone to ensuring your business runs smoothly using electronic communication resides in your IT department. Whether your IT may consist of a team or an individual, IT ensures that your companies technology and equipment is running properly and efficiently. With Asset Management and Health Tracking you can rest assured that your devices are governed and managed effectively.

How Asset Management and Health Tracking Impacts your Business?

  1. Better Inventory Tracking – ITAM (IT Asset Management) provides a method to accurately identify, track and classify devices along the network. This provides us with information on what devices are being used, how they are being used, and what can be done to make it more efficient. This also allows for a better picture of how everything works together and allows management to determine best methods of improvement based upon the current environment. This means defining what tools are being used for upgrades, patches and access control as ell as other services that can accompany the existing processes.

  2. Better Provisioning – Is your IT assets providing business value? When you don’t have a clear picture of your IT assets it can be hard to determine if you truly are using them to provide value in your business. Asset Management can be used to identify underperforming resources to establish better methods of business capabilities.

  3. Support Hardware Configuration Monitoring – IT can be complex, but with the right support it can impact your business positively. Health Tracking provides seamless integration that provides better visibility of each system. Is your hard drive failing? Computers going offline? Need to run updates? Proper health tracking ensures that these factors are being managed.

Kitsap Networking Services offers MSP services that provide reliability, scalability and constructive management toward your IT needs. Looking to improve your IT? Contact Kitsap Networking at (360)-516-6741 to schedule your consultation.


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