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How much it can save you in downtime!

Have you been faced with data loss before? How much did it cost you? Many businesses do not realize the hefty price tag attached to their server going down. Today we will be talking about how much Shadow Protect can save you in downtime.

Cost is the biggest factor in deciding a budget for your company each year and often the IT side of your budget is often cut short, many people have the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality  when it comes to IT. What you don’t realize is that you are putting your entire business at risk if you aren’t preventative with your business network. According to a survey by CA Technologies, small enterprises lost, on average, more than $55,000 in revenue due to IT failures each year, while midsize companies lost more than $91,000 and large companies lost more than $1,000,000. Now whether this is due to a hacker taking over your system or a hard drive on your server failing, with Shadow Protect you can count on your data being backed up and have the ability to be up and running in minimal time in the event of data loss.

Many times employees don’t know the last time that their backups occurred. Having to rely on your employees to switch out the backups or press the backup button leaves a huge responsibility on them; We are all human, we forget or get too busy and are just focused on getting out the door as soon as the clock turns 5:00. With Shadow Protect you do not have to worry about any human errors, with Shadow Protect you have peace of mind.

Is $50.00 a month too much to spend on piece of mind for your business? If you would like us to set up a time to install this in your business please call us today! Look for tomorrows post on more case studies and just how much it can benefit our company!


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