If you received a warning in Windows about getting low disk space there are a couple of things you can do to free storage.
The first method is to remove unneeded files from your computer. Do you have downloads or installation files that are no longer being used? Programs that are never used? Deleting those files can help regain the lost storage.
If you have tried the first method and did not find any unneeded files that you can delete then you can also access the Windows Temporary folder and delete unneeded .cab files. The TEMP folder is located within the Windows OS folder. Files located in the TEMP folder can be removed manually or by using the Disk Cleanup Tool. Be aware, removing .cab files can corrupt your operating system. It is advisable to consult with your IT department before removing these files.
Finally, if you have tried these steps and have no found any files that can be removed you can run a disk usage statistics viewer. WinDirStat is a free tool that displays data usage in a graphical interface.
For technical services concerning hard drives please contact Kitsap Networking Services at (360)-516-6741.