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Why Your Small Business Will Benefit from Office 365

Running a business can be a lot of work. Finding a method to streamline business processes is a great way to help lighten the load. That’s where Office 365 comes in. With Office 365, you get access to business apps that can assist you with running and growing your business. 

So, how can Office 365 benefit your small business? Here are seven reasons small business owners should consider using Office 365:

Customized Business Emails – Email is considered one of the most effective methods of business communication around the world. Office 365 Business Premium includes Outlook, which is a professional business email system. Through Outlook, you can create email accounts for your employees that feature your small business website’s domain. For example, at Kitsap Networking Services, Inc., each of our employee email accounts end with “”. 

You can also share calendars between employees, send meeting invites to multiple attendees, and set reminders on calendar events. It also offers customizable features, such as personalized signatures, which allow for your receipts to receive your contact details with each email sent.

Mobile Support – Office 365 offers 24/7 mobile access. This means if you have internet accessibility you will have access to the range of applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Because most of the applications are primarily cloud-based, you can access emails, files, and applications from any device. 

Control and Compliance – The Office 365 administration portal allows administrators to easily manage users. The user control panel is intuitive and makes user control simple, providing your small business with tools you need to manage your organization. 

An administrator or business owner can modify the following roles: provisioning users, managing licenses, generating Office 365 reports and audits, and receiving alerts for critical incidents. Office Support has lots of articles explaining system options, including more explaining about the Office 365 Admin Center

Business Intelligence – With Excel, you can turn data into useful information with the latest spreadsheet tools. Office 365 provides business intelligence that allows you to monitor and determine ranges of live data. You can use this data to develop interactive reports and data visualizations. giving you creative insights that can help make your small business more productive. 

Security – Office 365 offers different email encryption options that include TLS (Transport Layer Security), OME (Office Message Encryption, and IRM Information Rights Management. This allows for only authorized recipients to be able to decode and view data. Along with email encryption, Office 365 has built-in security for files, meaning your data is safely stored in the cloud. This saves small businesses from having to worry about their data, and who has access to it. If your data is stored online, it is kept safe in case something happens to any of your devices. 

Office 365 also offers compliance with the following standards:

PIPEDA (the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) HIPAA (the United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) FISMA (the United States Federal Information Security Management Act) The European Union Model clauses The International Organization for Standardization 2700 standards


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